..... For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."   John 3:16

Desert Community Church

5688 Sunrise Road  *  Twentynine Palms, CA 92277  *  760-401-6128

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       Events of the Week

8:30 am - Bible Study
9:30 am - Worship Hour

6 pm - Worship Team Practice
6 pm - Bible Study


Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to worship God; to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to celebrate the Sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity; to render loving service toward mankind; and to strive for righteousness, justice, and peace.
                                                         Church Leaders

The Pastor shall encourage men, women and families to become members of the Church Fellowship.  He administers the Sacraments, has under his care all services of public worship, and promotes the spiritual welfare of the Church.  The Pastor shall exercise the privilege of religious teacher and counselor in the Church community.

  Moderator/Vice Moderator
  The Moderator presides at all meetings of the Church Council and performs other duties as prescribed by the Church Council and presides at all business meetings of the Congregation.
  Church Clerk
The Church Clerk keeps a complete record of the transactions at all business meetings of the church.

  Church Treasurer
The Church Treasurer is the custodian of the general funds of the Church.

The Historian/Librarian supervises and keeps files of all resource material on the history of the Church as well as supervises the annual binding of the Church bulletins and making a report in writing at the annual meeting of the Congregation.

The Board of Trustees has the care and custody of the Church Property.  It also has charge of the Church financial affairs and fundraising projects and is always subject to the regulations prescribed by the law of the State.

The Board of Deacons cooperates with the Pastor in ministering to the spiritual interest of the Church
    and community. 

  Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education has charge and supervision of the teaching ministry and youth
    programs of the Church.

  Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee prepares the Ballot of Nominations for all elective offices, nominating one
    person for each office.

  Personnel Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing matters related to the employment of members of the
    church staff. 
Our Vision
To live in harmony with all and to pass these values on to future generations